Bill’s Letter Summer 2014

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make our Summer Gala such a success, and thank you to all who came to support us, despite the rather miserable weather.

The gala is always timed to be as near as possible to the feast day of St Peter, our patron saint, which is celebrated every year on 29th June. St Peter’s school began the celebrations with a special service in school followed by a sleepover, which was a great success. It is always helpful to remember some of the stories about St Peter, and be encouraged in our own journey of faith.

I find that I am most encouraged by the times when Peter messed up. When we are honest we can all admit to doing things that we regret or are ashamed of, just like St Peter.  At the school service we retold the story of Jesus walking on the lake in the midst of a storm.  Peter, full of courage, follows Jesus’s call to step out of the boat and walk on the water too.  At first it goes well as he walks towards Jesus. Then he notices the wind and waves and becomes afraid and begins to sink. Fortunately Jesus is there to help him back into the boat as the wind dies down and all becomes calm.

Most people will remember that Peter famously denied knowing Jesus three times, despite saying he would always be there for him. Again Jesus lifts him up when he forgives him on the beach after His resurrection.

Therefore, we can identify with Peter’s  humanity and know that, as Jesus helped him, he can help us too.  I am reading a book about a church that has the motto, “No perfect people  allowed”.  It is really about being authentic.  This means if we have doubts it is good to admit them but also be willing to talk about them.  It means acknowledging that none of us are perfect, so we can accept each other as we are; but also that we can encourage each other in seeking the help of Jesus to become more like Him.

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