Letter for May 2021

Dear Friends,  

With the recent easing of lockdown restrictions, both Angela and myself were able to travel to the Lake District to visit her dad.  It had been six months since we had seen him so as you would imagine it was quite an emotional visit.  During the visit we had a walk down by the river in Cockermouth, birthplace  of William Wordsworth, and we were amazed at how the area had been transformed after the impact of various floods over the years.  A new pedestrian bridge has been built, flood defences have been improved, everything had been landscaped and it was very pleasant to walk and sit by the river.

When it comes to rainfall it is not called the Lake District for nothing and I remember a particularly bad flood in November 2009 which saw up to 8 feet of flood water flowing down the high street and the local brewery found some of their beer barrels halfway up trees on the riverside.

On the walk I came across a plaque which had a bible quotation from the Book of Isaiah in the Old Testament (chapter 58, verse 12) which reads: “Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age old foundations; you will be called repairer of broken walls. Restorer of broken streets with dwellings.”

The people of Cockermouth and no doubt others had really taken this text to heart and I am sure after yet another flood, most people must have felt like giving up and running to the hills. But no, sleeves were rolled up, plans sketched out and funds found and together resilient people restored the town and river bank to be a blessing to those living there and to the many visitors who flock over the year.

As we start to experience some sort of ‘normal’ life, we pray that the easing of lockdown restrictions will continue and we can start rebuilding our lives and enjoy being able to socialize with family and friends. We may not be rebuilding actual physical buildings or dealing with another potential flood but our mental health has taken a battering and we need time to process what has happened in our lives. God has given us each other as a gift and a blessing and to be present not only in times of joy but also in times of stress and sadness. My prayer is as we journey into a brighter future that we may be willing to be there for our neighbour, that together we rebuild our lives and social events etc and build a kinder and more loving community and life.  

At St Peter’s Church we have begun this journey and you are most welcome to join us at our services or any future social events as together we experience the love of God in our midst and rebuild our lives.  

God bless and take care and stay safe, Glenn

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