Letter for October 2019

Dear Friends,

You do not need me to tell you that Brexit has dominated our political life as a nation for well over three years now.  Looking back to when the referendum took place in June 2016 there was a real sense that things would be done and dusted in a comparatively short time. How wrong that has turned out and as time has passed and deadlines have come and gone the rhetoric and debates and language surrounding Brexit has taken a turn for the worse.  However and whenever the country leaves the European Union, we will be faced with serious  challenges to what it now means to be British together.  There are many different political views on political priorities and actions.  The key is how we agree to disagree and move forward as a nation loving one another and working for unity.

In the meantime as we journey towards the 31st October, we bring before God the questions and the challenges currently facing the UK.  We remember the burden our parliamentary representatives carry especially in the light of the death of Jo Cox, a local MP and the strong views being expressed in some quarters. 

I would like to leave you with Archbishop Justin Welby’s comment: ‘Join me in praying for MPs their families and staff, across all parties at this difficult time, especially those who face unacceptable abuse and intimidation.  We must model good disagreement in our debates, and show respect and support for those in public service’

I offer this prayer produced by the Church of England at this time for your own personal prayers:

A Prayer for the Nation

God of hope,
in these times of change,
unite our nation,
and guide our leaders with your wisdom.
Give us courage to overcome our fears,
and help us to build a future
in which all may prosper and share.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Rev Glenn Coggins:  Vicar of Stanley, Outwood and Wrenthorpe, and Priest in charge of St Paul’s, Alverthorpe.

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