Letter for February 2023

Looking back it was good to gather on Sunday 8th January at St Mary’s in     Outwood for Fr Jonathan’s farewell service, presentation and refreshments.  Many thanks to all those who were involved in the service and for putting on such a    wonderful tea afterwards.  By the time you are reading this, Fr Jonathan will have been licensed to his new team of churches and will have begun his new life and ministry in the Batley team of churches.  We do continue to give thanks for his ministry here in the North Wakefield Benefice and pray for him and Jo in their new life together in Batley.

Bishop Tony has confirmed that Fr Jonathan will be replaced and it is planned that the new priest will be with us in the summer.  Please pray for the benefice as we and the wider church begin the appointment process and for those involved in the day to day running of the benefice during the vacancy – many thanks.

Looking forward, February begins as usual with the presentation of Christ in the temple which will be celebrated in our churches on Sunday 5th February.  This is a wonderful service as we eavesdrop on Simeon and Anna as they meet baby Jesus in the temple.  At the service we take a look back at the Christmas and Epiphany time before turning our gaze upon Lent and our journey towards Holy Week and Easter. There will be Ash Wednesday services in all the churches see below for details about our Ash Wednesday services.

All Ash Wednesdays services are on Wednesday 22nd February

  • 11am at St Paul’s, Alverthorpe
  • 2.15pm at St Anne’s, Wrenthorpe
  • 7pm at St Mary Magdalene, Outwood
  • 7.30pm at St Peter’s, Stanley

In Lent we shall be holding a series of Lent groups at different times and places across the benefice. During Lent, we shall journey with Jesus into the wilderness and explore how his relationship with his Father sustained him and blessed him.  All of us at some stage in our lives have wilderness experiences and the Lent groups will look at different aspects of our faith and how they sustain and support us at these times.  Further details of the Lent course will be available shortly.

Finally many thanks to you for all for your fellowship over Christmas and     Epiphany and for the many people who offer their gifts in different ways across the benefice.  Take care and God Bless, Glenn

Rev Glenn Coggins, Vicar of the United Benefice of Stanley, Outwood and Wrenthorpe and Alverthorpe

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