Bill’s Letter for December 2017/January 2018

As we enter into the Christmas season we also move into a time of shorter days and longer dark nights. It is a time when the symbol of Jesus, the Light of the World is particularly powerful. We experience the darkness of the world in many different ways and the news highlights some for us especially in the darkness of the way we can behave to each other. We have seen the extreme example mass killings in Churches and Mosques. People are struggling with the financial situation as shown by the many people resorting to food banks as a source for food for their families. There are many more examples too numerous to mention. We need the light of Christ to help us transform this darkness to light.

As we reflect on the wonderful story of Jesus coming as a baby to be our Saviour we know we are not alone. There is an amazing truth in the fact that the creator of the universe chose to be born as a human being and identified completely with the human condition.

Emmanuel, God with us. He came with the vulnerability of a child who went on to allow himself to be cruelly killed, but also with the power to call things into being with a word, to bring healing and change our hearts from being selfish to being caring.

This makes the Way of Christ to be the hope for the world, and gives us his followers a real challenge. Many times in scripture we read God speaking to us, ”Do not be afraid, for I am with you.” As we are aware of the darkness around us, let us in Christ’s strength seek to transform it with his light.

Do come to one of the services or events we are putting on; you would be most welcome, the details can be found in the magazine. There are some for all different ages and at different times so that at least one should be convenient. Coming together at this time helps us think about not only receiving the gift of Christ’s light afresh for ourselves, but also being willing to share it with others.

Do come and join us.

Rev Bill Henderson

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