Dear Friends,
By now most people will know that Angela and myself will be leaving the benefice at the end of February 2025. My actual last day of full time ministry will be on Friday 28th February after nearly thirty years serving in various churches around the country. Looking back it’s hard to believe that in July 1986 our Vicar at the time asked if I had ever thought of being ordained? That started a journey which led to selection for training for ordination in the autumn of 1992, followed by a two year course at Cranmer Hall in St John’s, Durham the following September. We left Durham in the summer of 1995 with Angela heavily pregnant with our twins Bethany and Samuel who arrived into the world in October that year. By then I was serving a curacy in Warminster in Wiltshire which led onto seven years in the Fens in Cambridgeshire before working our way ‘back up north’ in 2006 to serve at St Michael’s in East Ardsley until joining the benefice here in June 2019.
It is now time to stand down from full time ministry and move into retirement which will see us start a new life in Bridlington on the east coast. It has been a privilege and honour to serve in the benefice these past five and a half years and we are both very sad to be leaving. Nobody likes change but with Diane now on board and a very committed and gifted group of church members I am sure the benefice can go from strength to strength as it moves into a new stage in its life. This obviously brings on another vacancy and the Archdeacon is fully aware of the time-scales and has already thought about plans to fill the vacancy.
In the meantime please be assured that Angela and myself will continue sharing our lives with you all until our paths go separate ways. You will always have a special place in our hearts and we shall continue to remember you in our prayers.
As we journey towards Christmas, please join us in worship and the many social events and activities taking place across the churches as we prepare to welcome the Christ child into our hearts.
With much love and blessings at this time, Glenn and Angela